How to Run with a Dog

How to Run with a Dog

My wife and I were avid joggers when we first got married. We often ran with Rose the Beagle. We now know that if we would have been taught how to run with a dog, our runs could have been much better.


9 Kid Friendly House Dogs

Siberian Husky with kid

Deciding to get a dog for your family is a major commitment. That is especially true when you are looking for kid friendly house dogs.

You need a dog that will respect adults and kids, but treat the kids gently.


13 Handy Boating Accessories for Dogs

boating accessories for dogs

Many people look forward to spending their weekends and vacations enjoying boating with family and friends. If you are one of an estimated 53% of American households with a dog, then your boating adventures probably include him.

Let’s look at some of the boating accessories for dogs that can make your time on the water better for all of you.